Kwek Hong Png School Valedictorian

Berwyn Neo Wei Xuan
Bachelor of Business Management, Lee Kong Chian School of Business

Berwyn excelled in his programme with significant contributions to SMU as President of BONDUE (SMU Business Society). As the leader of the largest student club in the school, Berwyn led numerous initiatives to improve the welfare and student experiences of his peers.

Berwyn was also very active in community service. Of significant mention is his involvement and leadership in the annual Slightly Scarlet event from 2017 to 2019, which seeks to raise funds and increase awareness of beneficiaries such as Guide Dogs Singapore. Beyond SMU, Berwyn also contributed in community service projects such as Project Illuminate which reached out to children from underprivileged families and Project Lighted Hearts which is an annual community service event to reach out to the elderly.

Berwyn is a warm and inspiring leader who demonstrated commitment and excellence in his contribution to the SMU community and beyond.