Kee Xian Jun
Bachelor of Business Management, Lee Kong Chian School of Business

Xian Jun was awarded the Dean’s List in Academic Years 2017-18 and 2018-19. He served in the Executive Committee of the Impact Investing Club as Investment Director of Strategy in 2019–20. During his term, he established professional relationships with industry partners to provide development opportunities for the members. He was the Business Development Director of SMU Career Champions and spearheaded the inaugural flagship networking event and established positive working relationships with corporate partners to provide professional development opportunities for SMU students.

Xian Jun participated in the Uni-Y SMU International Service Project Chiang Mai 9 (Thailand) in 2017, which organised various initiatives to improve the educational, sanitary and sustainability level of the local community. He also initiated the #GiftaLoaf project in SMU to raise funds and distribute dry rations to more than 80 low-income families in multiple rental estates.